All Punjab Gem Merchants & Jewellers Association (APGMJA) will be established under section 42 of company act 2017 D.No RP/11380/L/S/18/2131 as a non profitable organization. APGMJA is a premier association of the Punjab catering members having NTN and Skilled workers. It has been working as a facilitator to various tasks related to Gem and jewellery sector as well as handling the emerging problems in contemporary situation by unity. Our aim is to improve and promote the exclusive sector of gems and jewellery across the world by showcasing its essence and importance. The Gems & Jewellery sector comprises small and medium enterprises starting from jewellery designers, manufactures, polishing and gems cutter.
It is our pride that the foreign delegates/businessmen showed their keen interest in our Gemstones/Jewellery. Gold has been much in trend in our jewellery industry. And this thing made us prominent in the eyes of the Western world. Our Association unites manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and exporters all over Pakistan for a common interest. Our objective is promote the gems and jewellery sector of Pakistan with an objective to bring prosperity and growth in this sector and generate the revenue for Pakistan via Trade/Export.
First time in Pakistan, we are working for the standardization and quality of Gems & Jewellery Sector as joint ventures with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority of Pakistan (PSQCA).
Nationwide and International Delivery of Gems and Jewellery is under process with Pakistan Post Officially.
APGMJA, HEC and LUMS have Value addition for local jewelry industry through electroplating process optimization with Project code: TDF 03-257.
Skill development for Gems and Jewellery sector is accomplished with Infinity School of Engineering and training have been started.
President Message
All Punjab Gem Merchants & Jewellers Association will be established under section 42 of company act 2017 D.No RP/11380/L/S/18/2131. It has been working as a facilitator to various tasks related to Gem and jewellery sector as well as handling the emerging problems in contemporary situation by unity. Our aim is to improve and promote the exclusive sector of gems and jewellery across the world by showcasing its essence and importance. It is our pride that the foreign delegates/businessmen showed their keen interest in our Gemstones/Jewellery. Gold has been much in trend in our jewellery industry. And this thing made us prominent in the eyes of the Western world. Our Association unites manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and exporters all over Pakistan for a common interest. Our objective is promote the gems and jewellery sector of Pakistan with an objective to bring prosperity and growth in this sector and generate the revenue for Pakistan via Trade/Export.
Haji Rasheed Ray

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